Emotions and Science fiction

I was reading last novel of Odyssey series by Clarke and I was in a dilemma. I never wanted that novel to finish but it was not able to put it down. Alas, i finished it in one night. I was so heartbroken with this "one night stand" that i started looking for more novels from Clarke as soon as finished. I had a cursory look on few reviews about the Rama series and ordered it online so that could get my hands on it as soon as I returned back to India. On my flight back home I had already started missing Clarke.

Thankfully I received "Rendezvous with Rama" as soon as I reached back home. Once again Clarke mesmerized me with his beautiful imaginative world. But like the last time my happiness didn't last long. Enter Gentry Lee, who collaborated with Clarke starting from 2nd novel in Rama series. Gentry Lee,a lousy writer and an asshole, is the real villain of the Rama series. "Thanks" to him Rama ii looks more like a Saas bahu opera from Ekta kapoor's series rather than a Science fiction. Following is how wikipedia describes him

just drags on and on and is littered with unnecessary sex scenes that, if you read much of Gentry Lee’s work, you will find is one of his obsessions. I fail to understand why Lee feels that he must include sex scenes in the middle of a science fiction novel that have nothing to do with the story. Once would be OK, but after about the fourth time I found myself dropping the book and thinking “again?!”"

I had never thought that I was capable of so much anger towards a person whom I have never seen or talked to. I have now given up on the Rama series, thanks to Gentry Lee I will think 100 times before picking up science fiction Novel from any writer other than Clarke or Asimov.