Chronicles of a marriage foretold

"To be or not to be" this is the question every Hamlet has to answer sometimes in his life. And once answer to the question is "yes" he finds himself in a completely new world. The world which has completely differnt rules and ways from the rules he has led his life so far. Once he is the ring bearer (Tolkein I know now how big a burden this is!!! and Tolkein this is not the ring to rule them all, this is the ring to rule him all!!!) he finds himself standing on a road in which every next step is a contradiction to all the steps he has taken in last 25 years.

The first step he takes after bearing the ring is to decide about the marriage date. Now our own dear Hamlet who has never believed in any superstitions has to listen to the date crap in which a pundit who doesn't even know him is the One who decides the D-date. Then comes the advices to make him a better person. Imagine non striker advising sachin tendulkar where to hit the ball. And thats what we all are till we bear the ring, Sachin tendulkars of our lives, master of our domains but alas we have to listen to the person who is a tailender and we have to respect that opinion.

The next then Hamlet asks is "why does love need a marriage?". Is it because we want all the golden eggs from our hen of love too soon? When we can sit in a cold afternoon and enjoy the sun why do want to go near it? Is marriage the next step after marriage? Does love end with marriage?

I dont know ... I dont know ... I dont know

1 comment:

sphinx said...

yaar,i dont know either..but its okay to have these thoughts..soch ye 'road to marriage' time dobara lyf mein kabhi nahi aayega...few months and then u'll b the one giving instructions to another hamlet;p